CNN aired a documentary called “Death in the Dessert”, and being a News junkie there was no way I was going to miss it. After watching it I felt paralyzed, Men and women from Eritrea, Ethiopia , Somalia , Sudan amongst other countries begin a journey with the intention to better their lives. They leave their homes, families and friends behind, with only passports, and little money-if any at all. They cross borders, in rain, heat, and cold with a destination in their minds- The Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The relevancy of reaching the peninsula for these individuals is simply to cross into different continents especially Israel and for others past Israel. What kind of jobs awaits them you may ask? House helps, laborers etc. You know they are desperate because anything is better than the poverty they in their countries.
Reaching the peninsula, they do not know what awaits them, of course crossing any border requires procedures and protocols. Since they are not legal in the country they opt to climb across the fence that borders Egypt and Israel. Some get shot without warning and others get stranded in the dessert. Mind you the dessert is known for smuggling of contrabands, prostitutes, laborers etc. It is basically lawless and unfortunately the other migrants that choose to not climb across the fence fall into the wrong hands. Some are forced to work as laborers with the promise of taken across the border if they complete their work, others abused, raped, forced into prostitution (men & women ). But amongst these horrifying things they go through I bet you never heard of organ harvesting. Yes, some are captured and offered money in few cases but in most cases their organs are ripped out of them against their consent. Tribesmen in the peninsula make deals with doctors in the city and possibly not only Egypt. They sedate them, take the organs they want then sew them back leaving behind thousands of dead bodies.
If anything they receive a dignifying undignified burial. Those that were found with identifications on them are buried in a cemetery. The Christians in one part and Muslims in another. And the unlucky ones are buried in a nearby land. The bodies keep piling up and there is no space to bury these refugees anymore so they are buried on top of each other.
I’m truly saddened by this story. What people go through in search for a better life and they get that in return. With all this happening in the region I doubt much focus is being put into the investigation of where organs are gotten from in hospitals and private clinics. It has become a business opportunity for others to harvest other individuals for money. The thought of it disgusts me. But then again …
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
I haven't blogged in a long time, and my only logic reason is because i miss my old blog site. for some reason blogger refused to log and user in unless you have a Google account. so all the posts on this blog is basically a copy & paste from my last blog page :( BUT i will blog more. not that i don't write anymore i just don't post them.
So the world was supposed to come to and after many million years. But as you know it, the earth probably enjoys human settlement even after the way she’s been treated. Mother earth I tell you. Instead of letting the ground swallow us all up, volcanoes fry us or floods wash away everything we know and have, she gave us a second chance. And even with this second chance given to us global warming won’t stop, an idiot has definitely murdered someone right this second and Al Qaeda are definitely still carrying out vicious plans that I hope backfires and erases them all.
Yes the world will definitely come to an end and we will all perish. But according a geophysics professor & science the world will come to an end through 5 main mechanisms- Meteorites, volcanoes, earthquakes, nuclear wars & attacks by extra terrestrials . So which one of these science facts or myths have you heard or read about. As for me I believe four of the mechanisms. Meteorites, you know the explosion that made dinosaurs extinct some 65 million years ago? A volcano is erupting as we speak in Iceland. Earthquakes seems to be becoming a common thing now. Nuclear weapons, well some countries have them already so let’s hope no psychos with characteristic traits like Ghadafi, Osama, Adolf Hitler & George bush have the power to unleash such nuclear destruction. Oh I almost forgot, extra terrestrials. Haven’t they already like visited earth a few times. Wait, you all read right? All those sightings in Arizona, Texas, and other parts of the world where people reportedly see weird saucers slowly hove up in air. Shoot! I know I sound crazy, but research on that, pictures & videos. And immediately those sightings were made somehow along the way NASA, homeland security & world leaders never make any comments. It just slides. Why is that? You know what, just do your research and watch one of those shows where strange metallic stuff are being studied somewhere in Arizona or Texas, I forget.
You all know I won’t leave out religious myths. According to the bible Jesus will come back rule and save some of us (You know I’m on that blessed list) and the Quran says something similar. Hold up! Anti Christ has to show up first as stated by both the Bible & Quran. I haven’t seen any scary monster neither has any been reported thus far. So all in all Harold Camping shame on you!! For making me think of apologizing to things I didn’t do & things I did but have no intension of apologizing for. Ha!
I’m doing research on the Aztec calendar, you know the Mayan calendar that say the world will end December 2012. And again you are free to rate me gaga, psychotic or insane.
Anyway, live life, laugh, love, and pray to God , universe or anything you believe in.
Yes the world will definitely come to an end and we will all perish. But according a geophysics professor & science the world will come to an end through 5 main mechanisms- Meteorites, volcanoes, earthquakes, nuclear wars & attacks by extra terrestrials . So which one of these science facts or myths have you heard or read about. As for me I believe four of the mechanisms. Meteorites, you know the explosion that made dinosaurs extinct some 65 million years ago? A volcano is erupting as we speak in Iceland. Earthquakes seems to be becoming a common thing now. Nuclear weapons, well some countries have them already so let’s hope no psychos with characteristic traits like Ghadafi, Osama, Adolf Hitler & George bush have the power to unleash such nuclear destruction. Oh I almost forgot, extra terrestrials. Haven’t they already like visited earth a few times. Wait, you all read right? All those sightings in Arizona, Texas, and other parts of the world where people reportedly see weird saucers slowly hove up in air. Shoot! I know I sound crazy, but research on that, pictures & videos. And immediately those sightings were made somehow along the way NASA, homeland security & world leaders never make any comments. It just slides. Why is that? You know what, just do your research and watch one of those shows where strange metallic stuff are being studied somewhere in Arizona or Texas, I forget.
You all know I won’t leave out religious myths. According to the bible Jesus will come back rule and save some of us (You know I’m on that blessed list) and the Quran says something similar. Hold up! Anti Christ has to show up first as stated by both the Bible & Quran. I haven’t seen any scary monster neither has any been reported thus far. So all in all Harold Camping shame on you!! For making me think of apologizing to things I didn’t do & things I did but have no intension of apologizing for. Ha!
I’m doing research on the Aztec calendar, you know the Mayan calendar that say the world will end December 2012. And again you are free to rate me gaga, psychotic or insane.
Anyway, live life, laugh, love, and pray to God , universe or anything you believe in.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Cheers to a Positive Week :)
This week has been quite interesting..From an annoying science class filled with chemical compounds,acids and bases that i totally detest, to someone really annoying me which by the way i hardly get annoyed to people taking my kindness for granted which led to me being robbed. This week has been a total disappointment..from people you care about acting like total fools, talking behind your back and each of them snitching on the other..Uhmm i really thought i left that crap in high school,to somebody i was supposed to trust act like a jerk to someone who clearly knows my intention act dumb. This week its all about me, wait I meant this year its all about me. if you have negativity in your words, actions, intentions, and thoughts then please coming my way will be wrong or you. I don't wanna hear anybody s complains because i refuse to absorb anybody s emotions and problems. Because trust me, U don't wanna hear "My" problems, fears and insecurities. If you have a problem, first recognize it then find a damn solution if not ZIP it! i know my people now. some of yal are gonna be in my life forever..either to make an appearance or to be a part of my life..and some of yal are gonna be in my life as a temporary situation :)..
I wish everyone a very healthy, happy, positive, blissful week ahead filled with love and happiness..Remember think good, positive thoughts and good positive things will come your way.
I wish everyone a very healthy, happy, positive, blissful week ahead filled with love and happiness..Remember think good, positive thoughts and good positive things will come your way.
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