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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cheers to a Positive Week :)

This week has been quite interesting..From an annoying science class filled with chemical compounds,acids and bases that i totally detest, to someone really annoying me which by the way i hardly get annoyed to people taking my kindness for granted which led to me being robbed. This week has been a total disappointment..from people you care about acting like total fools, talking behind your back and each of them snitching on the other..Uhmm i really thought i left that crap in high school,to somebody i was supposed to trust act like a jerk to someone who clearly knows my intention act dumb. This week its all about me, wait I meant this year its all about me. if you have negativity in your words, actions, intentions, and thoughts then please coming my way will be wrong or you. I don't wanna hear anybody s complains because i refuse to absorb anybody s emotions and problems. Because trust me, U don't wanna hear "My" problems, fears and insecurities. If you have a problem, first recognize it then find a damn solution if not ZIP it! i know my people now. some of yal are gonna be in my life forever..either to make an appearance or to be a part of my life..and some of yal are gonna be in my life as a temporary situation :)..
I wish everyone a very healthy, happy, positive, blissful week ahead filled with love and happiness..Remember think good, positive thoughts and good positive things will come your way.