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Saturday, April 25, 2015


I guess you reach a certain stage in life when you ask yourself if you lived or existed. I started my journey exactly 2 years ago. I had that serious conversation with my soul. I had my dream Job, amazing friends, and a loving family. But something was missing. It took about 3 weeks of isolation to figure out what it was. I settled. I was comfortable. I was content. I've always had grand dreams & goals. But I somehow allowed myself to settle. I told myself I wanted an honest, genuine relationship with myself. I truly wanted to connect with my mind, body & soul. I now understand those are three different things. I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to tolerate or entertain any form of negativity ever again.I just wanted love & light. To be happy. I craved that. I lost interest in people and things that added no form of growth in my life. But I also remembered that even though I might not need them. They might need me. I did not cut anyone off. I just merely built a little wall enough to say Hi & to send love & kindness. Don't get me wrong. I was happy. I'm always happy. I just needed some form of connection with myself. I lost me somewhere along the way. I actually missed myself. I did things that made my soul smile. I dedicated as much as I could to evolving my mind and thoughts towards positive thoughts. Most importantly I put in energy towards gratitude. Gratitude to my creator, to where I was, where I am and where I'm headed. I got so excited. I'm still excited about my transformation. Let me clarify something, I never changed. I just evolved. And everyday I try to be a better version of myself. Yoga & meditation helped me but it was mostly determination & a strong desire to grow. My ultimate goal? To live, love, laugh, Pray. It's been a bumpy ride. But one that is worthy. That's why I call my journey The Rebirth. Rebirth of intentions & goals I tucked away, because well, Life happened. It's never too late to reconnect with your soul.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Runaway Blogger

Hello :) When I put a smiley face it means I actually just smiled. I smile a lot :) Haven't blogged in forever. Shame on me. In my defense I've been quite lazy. I started writing a book and then life happened. I'm shocked anyone actually reads what I write. The page view keeps rising. I mean with Instagram & Twitter who has time to read. But yeah, it's a new year. Love it. I love change. Positive change that is. I love growing & life experiences. I love the woman I'm becoming and the woman I eventually will be. Ugh. I love the uncertain. The magic of not knowing. But believing that life's journey will be nothing but magnificent. Because it is. I happen to see the world filled with rainbows and butterflies. Yeah, Yeah, I'm aware of the darkness that looms over us. The evil & suffering. But guess what? I chose to focus my energy on the positive and pray for love and light. Light is stronger than darkness. I'm really bad at saying exactly what's on my mind. I'm actually horrible. Being quiet works best for me. I can talk about everything but myself. I mean why focus on me when there's so much to talk about. But yea, I'm sortta gonna share a bit. Only because I feel there's a bit of my experiences that a few can relate with. But that would be tomorrow. I'm really sleepy and I'm stuck at work-yes night shift. Which I love by the way. I think i might be a workaholic. But that's a story for another day. Geez, I feel I've shared so much already and I don't want to freak out. So I'm just gonna click publish now. May love and light be a part of you all :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Smile today. Not because you have to but because you are love and light.
Love today. Because others are love and light but might be tainted with shadows. Love them and see through a streak of light they have.
Give today. Not because you have so much to part with but because someone out there just needs to feel an act of kindness.
Forgive today. For this is your true bliss and not for anyone. Forgiveness means you accept a situation and are willing to look past it. Do this for yourself.
Appreciate today. We all have our busy days. And nobody is too busy to write or call for a few seconds. Appreciate where you are. Reflect on the past and smile because you are a moving light filled with love. And today you will give because you want someone to feel good so that they can also forgive some situations and let them appreciate themselves :)

Friday, March 22, 2013


Love and be loved they say
Love and be happy
I've sampled forms & shades of love
And right here right now I'm as happy as I could ever be.
Love and you can progress
Can love sit in my silence I ask?
Can love be a friend and lover as well
Or I just gotta choose one?
Does love come with serenity
Or I gotta choose days to be happy?
Love will cherish and protect you they say.
But I cherish & protect me
Love is beautiful they say
And I agree because my heart might wander around for a while before it returns back to me

Friday, February 15, 2013


If you know me you know how passionate I am about human rights and it's violations. I'm against violence and abuse of any form. Physical, verbal or emotional. Nobody should be violated. Man or woman, boy or girl, as well as animals. And I definitely will never ever tolerate any of such violations for myself or for anybody because it is horrible. I am not a feminist. I do not need to tell anyone I am equal to them or prove I can do what they do. I was never raised like that and it's definitely not my nature. Instead my personality is more of a doing that saying kind. I will do what I can do without telling the world. I am not against men nor bitter. The men in my life who happen to be family and friends are all respectable. And I'm against any violence against men by the same sex or the opposite sex. With that said. WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD!? What is the new trend with rape? Why will you sit and think oh there goes a woman lets rape her? Do YOU not have prostitutes to satisfy your needs? Do you not have wives and girlfriends? Do you not have religions? Ethics? Sense of morality? Do you not have a family? Women Around you? And most importantly DO YOU NOT HAVE LOVE in your life for you to commit such horrendous acts. How do you gang rape a woman? How do you hear her scream and not stop? How do you keep going? Does NO mean yes to you? Sometimes they say a woman takes herself to be raped based on what she wears or acts. And to an extent I agree that a woman's actions can lead to rape. But I'm still asking does no sound like yes? It is just sad. Sad that anybody can have such dark evil and energy in them. Sad that cute baby boys might turn into monsters. Sad that there is no respect whatsoever for a woman before and after she is raped. I guess she must be an animal or a sex object at that time. How do we put love into the heart of boys and men? How do we make them realize in this year and age rape is not necessary. How do we educate them that such negative energy should be cast away? Yes we make mistakes, lord knows and we all try but then men end up behind bars while animals get put down. May God and the positive forces protect everyone. Man, Woman, boy and girl from having their freedom and rights stripped of them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

WHAT IS LOVE by Moses Jiya

It is a feeling, state, attitude, pleasure that lies in the mindset of every individual. We cannot love others until we learn to love ourselves ( Daroda, F 2012). It is that natural inbuilt passion that encompasses strong affection and personal attachment like the Romeo and Juliet type of love which is said to be romantic and emotional. Weather single or in a relationship, Love is meant to be shared on St Valentines day amongst loved ones, couples, friends, family et al. There is the Agape type of love which is passionate to humanity " Love is God and God is Love". Love is Chemistry to the scientists Love is blind Love is unconditional Love conquers all Love is free and not for sale or discounted Love is all of the above. Happy St Valentines Day. By Moses Anderson Jiya

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mali and Nigeria: The new 'Afghanistan of West Africa'?

This is indeed a sad day for me. And it should be for other Nigerians as well. But I am still not ashamed to call myself a Nigerian and a northerner. Boko Haram fighters trained in Mali. One of 8 suspects caught in Mali a Nigerian.I will like to use use this opportunity to say this is not the time for tribalism or time to be judgmental. I think it is safe to say and agree that Boko Haram members aren't just Muslims or Northerners. We have seen them on TV on so many occasions and read incidents where non Muslims and non northerners try to do silly things. It's a mix of all religions and tribes. People need to stop acting like sheep's who do not have a mind of their own and stop with allegations of the north and extreme Islamists. I mean they are killing other Muslims, kids and adults out north. So how is that a " Northern thing" Boko Haram has got to go! This is the time Nigerians need to come together and put aside their differences of religion and tribes even if its for a while and look for ways to eliminate these criminals and cheap thugs who fancy themselves as terrorists. Terrorists always have an agenda but they don't which makes them plain criminals. They are neither freedom fighters. Who are they fighting for? Definitely not for other Muslims in Nigeria. Muslims who they have slayed and burned mercilessly. Yes, this is far from religion. As I suggested earlier put aside your pro separation for Nigeria. Put aside whatever problems you have with other religions and tribes. Put aside whatever angers you and keep an open mind. The next attack might injure or take away lives of people you love. And maybe you as well. Safety and love above anything. Do you think uprooting Boko Haram in Mali will halt Boko Haram members in Nigeria? Do you think it is political? Politicians and those who have the power to pull such string playing a sick game on Nigerians.