I was watching a video someone posted on facebook of two grown ploiticians arguing at a hearing concentrating on "Corruption". Everything was going fine until a man started shouting 'Thief'! "Thief"! at the woman who was being interogated. One thing led to another and alas, two men started fighting. I wonder how they felt after that adrenaline rush. I must admit they were quite strong and fit considering they were old men. Anyway as if that was not exhausting to watch I watched other related links, and behold I saw Nigerian witch children. The name alone was intresting and scary, because I have never known anybody who is a witch or practices witchcraft. Besides my family condemns and stays away from anything that is or might be "evil". My curiosity got the best of me and I started watching the videos.I was expecting to see children dissapearing and appearing or doing something out of the blue, or something we all dont normally see. Frankly the only familar thing i know about witchcraft and wizadry is from Harry Potter. *Ahhh*
I was expecting a scene while a large circle filled with people stood watching. Thats what usally happens in Africa when something happens. But instead I saw a bunch of kids and young adults,rather hungry looking, battered, bruised, abused, unhappy looking, weak, the list goes on and on. Their parents or relatives either left them to die or sent them out of the house because they were "witches". Oh and if you are wondering how theier parents came to the conclusion that they were witches or supernatural? Thier local pastors told them that. I guess they have gifts of knowing who is a witch and wether they should be killed or not.
I personally think this is a bizarre and insane action.This kids are beaten up,cursed and shooed away because they do not matter to the community.
Some parents put nails in their childrens head, and some poured hot water or acid on them.Some tied them up and left them to die.This kids have gone through unimaginable things that I have never thought off in my life.Meanwhile the pastor is moving around and preaching. Preaching about how God wants us all to love one another . Yeah right! This is a very unique type of love I tell you. Lets asume withcraft does "exist", should this kids really go through what they went through? Do they deserve it? Do they deserve being isolated from other kids, family and human being just because they are witches? No human being or living things should be handled the way this kids were. Even if they have done really mean or evil things to people, which there aren't any record of. And even if they did mean things what happened to spanking? Or other types of punishment. But I am guessing these "pastors" decide on who should be eliminated and who should not. I honestly think they should be treated equally. Same with mental disabled people. I dont want to sound horrible here but they are challenged. Does that mean they should be deserted and killed?
With all these it all comes down to beliefs. Some people are ignorant and they do not know any better so you wouldnt really blame them, others just believe in fetish things like witchcraft, and they imply them in their daily life expample, when someone dies it has to be somebody who killed them. Or just a normal head or stomach ache has be related to somebody who they had a feud with. I respect peoples opinions and i will never look down on what people worship, or believe in. But when what people believe in hurts others,that has to be questioned. And some of these people just tie such unimaginable things to religion.
Some pastors have been arrested due to this unethical stuff. But I really hope the government sets a Law that protects all kinds of child abuse and "witchcrafts". It is obvious nobody can change a persons opinion but atleast we can try to stop such events from happening. If people choose to believe in what they believe in such as witchcraft, they are free to so so, as long as they dont harm anybody while doing so.
*frustrated* i want to see more of this people go to jail! And Please, can the government or community atleast provide shelter, food, and blankets for this homeless children. This is infact one of the sadest things I have ever watched and seen in my life. This has nothing to do with any christian bliblical teachings!
P.S--> I do not have any problems with any religion or beliefs. But when your beliefs hurt other people You have crossed the line.
God Bless this kids souls and I hope this group of people or anybody who does this kind of horrible things have a change of heart.
The link to the video on youtube--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZVVbGEOoCM
And for the record this does not only happen in Nigeria. its a World Wide thing
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