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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Masculinity- My theory on Masculinity

When you think of the word “Masculinity” you think of macho, strong, tall, big, protector, individualism etc. Media has played an important role in creating images that have shifted the gender terrain. And if a man does not possess these traits his considered weak. Masculinity is simply a mask worn by men to shield their vulnerabilities and hide their humanity. I’m not saying men are as soft and gentle as women. Even though some men have feminist traits in them. These men are considered “gay” “weird” and “queer” in our society. In layman terms they are weird and odd. Men were raised to be tough, independent, head of family decision makers & strong bread winners. Never to show emotion in public and never to cry! Even though emotions and crying is only crying..and you have to let it out if you need to. After all it cleanses one’s mind. I’m wondering where this leaves women who are tough, independent, decision making- breadwinners?  Will they be considered masculine? Or just hardworking females.
Obviously the male structure was designed to be bigger than the female structure. But are all men tall? Huge? Tough? And individualistic? And since some do not fit into this characteristics does it mean they are not “real men”. Again this is where “Masculinity is simply a mask worn by men to shield their vulnerabilities and hide their humanity” comes in play. If most men will take off that mask and be in their natural state they will actually be vulnerable, and humane. Again I’m not saying men are weak, I’m saying that fake mask that is worn is only to make them fit into the “social order” so they are considered normal and not queer.
During war times when men had to leave to go for war the women took over their jobs and did a pretty darn good job at handling businesses, and at the same time taking care of the household, family and children. Does this make them masculine? Because they did everything a man could do. I’m not even going to go into women looked down on because I believe there is nothing like that. Some research showed than men have been de-centered and threatened by women’s increased assertion of strength, integrity, social and economic power which led to the escalation of violence against women. And now there is the presence of egalitarian relationships with women. Men have women as friends, lovers, classmates, colleagues, wives or fellow workers. Women have more flexibility in terms of gender role..but men have to fit in a box, a box that forces them to be who they are not 100%.
So many times I’ve seen men want to cry, but cant because they will be considered weak. Most times they hide or cry in isolation. A lot of men think wearing soft colors like pink, or purple makes them look more like a woman. They dare not even go near soft colors so they stick to red, and black. Although I think generally men prefer red and black. Ask most men to wear pink or purple and see their reaction. Their problem is not that they don’t like it’s more like they are avoiding what people will say or think about them. Even though they wear things they don’t like, anything soft it not an option.
What do you think? What are your opinions?
And again this are my thoughts backed up by Katz jack theory

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