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Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Its 12:49am and I am not sleeping. Although I am very sleepy but I cant even go to sleep.

I woke up today at 4:00 am and since then only had a 15 min nap. I am sooo Exhausted, cranky, and very sleepy. And every time i close my eyes I seem to hear the clock ticking in the living room far away from my bedroom. And the crickets and other bugs seem so loud today.

To make things worse, I have no idea who is calling me at almost one in the morning, the callers number remains "withheld" and i am very sure it is somebody from Nigeria who has forgotten to check the time to realize its midnight here! Though Tempted to turn the phones ringer off I really cant just in case Someone calls me with an emergency. But in the meantime I guess I have to deal with the constant ringing.


I have been snacking on cookies and drinking Cold Lemonade. I know I should turn the TV on and watch recaps of shows I have missed until I sleep off but the TV doesn't really bother me anymore. I cant be Bugged about crazy reality shows at this time of the day. Thankfully I am talking to my friend Sadiq who is gisting me about his high school and Explaining to my why planes don't fly east of Asia to get to the U.S instead of going all the way through Europe. Because it does not really make sense why anyone flying from China or Japan flies across the world instead of going east. So Sadiq if You are reading this thank you for explaining a curiosity
I had for years. :)


My sight is getting really blury So I am off to bed hoping To the Dear Lord that I will be fast asleep clutching my green fuzzy pillow that I am soo deeply attached to. If I dont sleep it I practically cant have a good night. Kindda Creepy. Night Night World!

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