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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letting Go

It used to be just you and me
Nothing else mattered but our world
I could stare into your eyes all day and see love
You could stare into mine and see love
I could kiss you all day
And you could hold me all day if I let you
I would smile when I realize I’m in your arms
And I will find you staring at me early at dawn
Now I stare into your eyes and I see ignorance
If you did stare into mine you will see fear and sadness
But you will never know for you never look at me
I could still kiss you all day, but you never let me
Your hold that I yearn has become so distant
And when I’m in your arms, I become a burden to you
The more I reach out to you the more you push me away
I don’t want to remember us like this
I know we will never get back to what we were
I honestly don’t think I want to get back to what we were because there never was
I’m finally letting you be by self in peace

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